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Five Essential Pool Maintenance Tasks

swimming pool contractors Sarasota FL

swimming pool contractors Sarasota FL

To some, taking care of an inground pool may seem like a relatively easy task. However, there may be more duties involved with pool maintenance than you think. Keep reading for some basic things you should be doing to keep your pool running at prime condition.

Clean your pool at least once a week.
Skim the surface with a cleaning net and use a vacuum to remove debris from the bottom of the pool.

Check the pH and chlorine levels of your pool once or twice a week.
The ideal pH level of your pool should remain within the 7.4-7.6 range, and the chlorine level should be 2.0 to 3.0 parts per million. The best time to test your pool’s water is about four hours after all swimmers have left the water or eight hours after rainfall

With a handy pool brush, apply a pool surface cleaner to the waterline.
This will eliminate waterline stains and help keep your pool looking new.

Shock the water once every week.
Shocking is when you add a large amount of chlorine to the pool to get rid of algae and other contaminants. Follow your pool manufacturer’s instructions to ensure you are adding the proper amount of chemicals.

Run the filter as often as possible.
If possible, run it constantly during the summer. The water is less likely to become dirty and breed bacteria if it is continuously moving.

You can make sure your pool is always in its best condition by taking advantage of maintenance services from our swimming pool contractors in Sarasota, FL. Contact us today to receive a pool service estimate.

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